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Flank Steak with Jalapeno Chimichurri

Flank Steak with Jalapeno Chimichurri


Flank Steak with Jalapeno Chimichurri tastes like a meal from a restaurant but is so easy to make! Made with grass fed steak; paleo, gluten free, dairy free. Good morning and HAPPY FRIDAY!

Popping in for a quick post because I HAD to share this recipe with you! Nick and I have legit made it at least three times over the past month, it's that good.

You see, I was intimidated to make flank steak at home. I thought it would be difficult to make. But what I realized is its actually insanely easy to make. And tastes insanely delicious, too!

When our local farmer's market got a new meat vendor, I was giddy with excitement to see flank steak as an option. I knew it was time to finally give one of my favorite cuts of steak a try at home!

I'll be sharing more in another blog post soon, but we eat a lot of red meat in our house as I believe its one of the most nutritious meats out there. FULL of nutrients. I really enjoy supporting local farmers who raise their meat in a sustainable way. Not only does it make the meat far superior in nutrition, but it is also great for the environment. I believe in eating meat, but even more so I believe in eating meat that is raised properly in a way that is best for our environment, our body's nourishment and our taste buds- too! More to come...soon! That blog post is going to take me awhile to write :) (And don't worry, my vegetarians out there reading this I will make sure to discuss nutrition options for you in the post, too!)

Anyways, to me its worth the extra cost to purchase meat from a local farmer who I have been able to talk to personally about how the animals are raised, how they are fed, etc. Personally, it feels great putting my money towards something I believe in. So I would LOVE if you make this recipe with grass fed beef, but even better if its from a local producer! That way you are supporting the changes we NEED in our food system right now.

And I promise, flank steak is SO easy to make. Don't be intimidated like I was! MAKE THIS NOW. :)

Flank Steak with Jalapeno Chimichurri


Victoria Myers RD/N, LD/N

Cook time:

20 mins

Total time:

20 mins




  • 1- 1 1/2 lb flank steak (preferably grass fed, local to your area if possible)

  • 1/3 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

  • 1 1/2 Tablespoon red wine vinegar

  • 1 jalapeno, roughly chopped

  • 1/4 cup cilantro

  • 1 cup parsley

  • 3 garlic cloves

  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Heat a grill over medium high heat.

  2. While the grill is heating up, make your jalapeno chimichurri sauce. Place the olive oil, red wine vinegar, jalapeno, cilantro, parsley and garlic in a food processor and pulse until well combined. Add salt to taste. Once combined, pour into a bowl and set aside.

  3. Cover flank steak liberally salt and pepper. Place on the grill and grill for approximately 4 minutes on each side or until steak reaches desired completeness. I prefer my steak on the medium rare side, so you may need to let it cook for longer if you do not.

  4. Once cooked, remove flank steak from the grill and let it cool for 10 minutes. Once cooled, cut the flank steak against the grain at a diagonal. Pour the jalapeno chimichurri sauce over the steak and enjoy!

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