

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

Book Review: Pursuing Private Practice

Book Review: Pursuing Private Practice

A few months ago, Jennifer from Pursuing Private Practice and Eat with Knowledge contacted me about reviewing her books she has written to help dietitians start their own private practice. I am a firm believer in signs. At the same time Jennifer approached me, my future business partner approached me about starting a practice. A few other signs were given to me, and I knew. I knew it was time to go for it.

Starting your own practice is scary, exciting, nerve wracking, thrilling and so many more emotions. This has been a goal of mine for a very long time. I knew my passion and drive for nutrition and healthy living were meant for a lot more than an average 8-5 job could provide me. I want to work my butt off. I want to control my own schedule. I want to help clients learn to make peace with food. I want to teach my clients to use food as medicine.

I have really big dreams for my future in dietetics, including my own practice (and so much more). But managing a full-time job, running this blog and all the other tasks I give myself daily seemed to always make me think "I don't have the time for my own practice".

But the truth is...

That's just an excuse.

An excuse because starting my own practice is sooooo out of my comfort zone. Nutrition and counseling are my passion and expertise. But running a business?! Notsomuch. I didn't even know where to start.

Until Jennifer came into my (and my business partner's) life. I cannot even put into words how helpful her books have been. Jennifer wrote 10 Steps to Start Your Own Business and 10 Steps to Grow Your Own Business with the hopes of helping other dietitians learn how to start a practice. She has her own thriving private practice, Eat with Knowledge, where she helps clients ditch the diets and "feel fabulous about food". Not only can I totally relate to her philosophy (much like mine!), she makes business matters easy to understand and approachable.

Jennifer takes words that are scary to me like EIN number, tax filings, marketing and advertising and break it down into an easy, step by step guide with examples of her own and other dietitian's experiences.

Thank you so much Jennifer for the opportunity to review these books and the guidance you have given myself and my business partner as we move forward with starting our own practice. We truly could not have done it without you and we are extremely grateful for your guidance!

If you are a registered dietitian looking to start your own practice, I HIGHLY recommend reading these books for guidance.

And if you are a client looking to receive nutrition counseling, we will be opening our doors for business VERY soon. More to come on that in another blog post! You can go ahead and reserve a spot as a client by emailing me at

Cheers to following your dreams!

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