

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

Who I Follow in the Body Positive Community

Who I Follow in the Body Positive Community

Who I Follow in the Body Positive Community

When I first started to consider that I might want to change the way that I view my body (it was a long process that eventually led to me actually doing it and working towards self love and acceptance of my body), one of the first things I did was start by changing who I follow online. I purposefully un-followed people who made me question my body or who made me feel less than, even if there content was great and they were awesome people- I decided to protect and take care of myself first and foremost. And then I started to follow more of two things: 1. People who looked a lot like me. This helped me see that, one day, I could also view my body as beautiful as I was able to do that for other people. and 2. People who looked nothing like me but encouraged me to see the diversity of all bodies. Whether it be body size, handicaps, tattoos, race, or gender- I worked to cultivate a space online where I wasn’t only seeing one version of health or beauty.

While there were many, many steps to get to where I am today, body positive and self loving, I do think this one of the first steps I took that really made a difference. So today’s blog post I am sharing some (not all as that would be a LONG post!) of who I follow in the body positive community.

My hope is that this blog post gets you thinking about who you follow, how they make you feel and encourages you to view not only yourself but the world a little differently.

So, let’s get started!

Image via @noelledowning

Image via @noelledowning

Image via @lolo_russell

Image via @lolo_russell

Who I Follow in the Body Positive Community
Image via @tessholiday

Image via @tessholiday

Image via @maquimode

Image via @maquimode

Image via @mynameisjessamyn

Image via @mynameisjessamyn

Image via @colormecourtney

Image via @colormecourtney

Image via @jnaydaily

Image via @jnaydaily

While there are SO many amazing body positive education and inspiration accounts out there, I hope this inspires you to follow a more diverse, realistic and beautiful variety of accounts.

Tell me: There is no way I could include all the amazing accounts out there in one single blog post. Comment below your favorite body positive accounts so we can all learn together!

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