

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

Mocha Energy Bites Stuffed with Dark Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans [Gluten Free]

Mocha Energy Bites Stuffed with Dark Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans [Gluten Free]

Energy bites are my go-to quick snack. The flavor in these bites is one of my favorite combinations, chocolate and coffee. These mocha energy bites are stuffed with dark chocolate covered coffee beans, making the flavor literally explode! Enjoy one of these mocha energy bites as a sweet end to a meal, or have a couple of these as the perfect pick-me-up snack. As you can tell in my WIAW posts, I eat energy bites ALL the time. They are the easiest snack to make as part  of my weekly food prep, and they taste so good! I am always changing the flavors and have come up with some amazing varieties that I cannot wait to share with you guys.

Today's recipe is extra delicious because it is STUFFED with a dark chocolate covered coffee bean. Imagine this, you eating the energy bite, and its all creamy and then BAM. You bite into the coffee bean and the crunch and explosion of the flavor is unreal. I am so obsessed!

Mocha Energy Bites Stuffed with Dark Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans [Gluten Free]

Can we talk about chocolate flavor combinations for a second? I think chocolate and coffee is my second most favorite flavor combo. Obviously, chocolate and peanut butter is number one (PB cups are the best!) Third would be chocolate and mint, and a note worthy contender would also be chocolate with caramel and sea salt. Man, I love chocolate.

As with all my recipes, these energy bites are made with whole foods so that you get flavor and nutrition. These bites are a wonderful source of fiber, protein and healthy fats. When you eat all three macronutrients together you feel fuller, longer.

You can get dark chocolate covered coffee beans at most health food stores, including Whole Foods. I have found them to be most cost effective at Trader Joes and my local health food store, Rollin' Oats (which is where I bought these). I have occasionally seen them at Aldi, too!

This recipe is made using Wild Friends vanilla espresso almond butter. However, you can also use plain almond butter, and add an extra tablespoon or two of maple syrup for sweetness.

Mocha Energy Bites Stuffed with Dark Chocolate Covered Coffee Beans [Gluten Free]
Author: Victoria Myers RD/N, LD/N
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 16-20
  • ½ cup + 2 T Wild Friends vanilla espresso almond butter
  • 3 T maple syrup
  • 1 cup rolled oats
  • 2 T flax meal (ground flax seeds)
  • 2 T hemp seeds, optional
  • 1 T cacao or cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon instant espresso
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 16-20 dark chocolate covered coffee beans
  1. Combine all ingredients except for the coffee beans in a food processor or blender and pulse until combined. You may have to scrape the sides a couple times and continue to pulse. It is ready once the mixture is forming a ball or is thick and could easily form balls.
  2. Pour the mixture in a small bowl. Spray hands with oil to help hands from getting sticky. Form into 16-20 balls, each time creating a ball, stuffing a dark chocolate covered coffee bean inside and then reforming into a ball.
  3. Store in the refrigerator (for a week or two) or freezer (should keep for at least a month, if not longer).
You can use plain almond butter too! I would add an extra tablespoon of maple syrup and a splash more of vanilla extract if you do.

I hope you enjoy this recipe, and if you make it- show me how you enjoyed it! Use the hashtags #nourishyoself and #diehardfoodiefinds, and tag me in the picture @the_diehard_foodie.

Nourish yo’self,


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