

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 109: Exploring the low FODMAP Diet and Who Benefits From It

NWP Episode 109: Exploring the low FODMAP Diet and Who Benefits From It

NWP Epidoe 109: Exploring the low FODMAP Diet and Who Benefits From It

Today’s episode we come back to a popular conversation on the podcast, digestion. Have you ever heard of the low FODMAP diet? It’s an evidenced based diet plan that has been clinically shown to reduce symptoms in 3 out of 4 people with IBS. But there’s a lot of confusion and misconceptions around the diet, including how long to follow it. We cover these topics in the episode: 

  • What is the low FODMAP diet

  • The research behind the low FODMAP diet

  • Which foods it includes and what it looks like

  • Who the low FODMAP diet may benefit

  • How long to follow the low FODMAP diet

  • Three steps to the low FODMAP diet: elimination, reintroduction and personalization

  • Updates to the low FODMAP diet and IBS

  • How we utilize the low FODMAP diet at NMN + intuitive eating

Information discussed in the episode:


References and resources:

Blog posts:

Is Clean Eating Causing Your Digestive Issues?

Healing Disordered Eating and Digestion Together

Why I Stopped Drinking Smoothies Everyday

Improve Your Digestion Naturally (And Start Today!)

10 Steps to Fix Digestive Distress by Megan Perez

Victoria’s favorite Primally Pure products:

Resources for you:

Let’s hang out! Connect with us:

Today's episode we come back to a popular conversation on the podcast, digestion. Have you ever heard of the low FODMAP diet? It's an evidenced based diet plan that has been clinically shown to reduce symptoms in 3 out of 4 people with IBS.

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