

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 210: All Foods Fit Mentality and HAES on the Internet with Shana Spence RD/N

NWP Episode 210: All Foods Fit Mentality and HAES on the Internet with Shana Spence RD/N

Today on the podcast I have guest and fellow anti-diet dietitian, Shana Spence, on the show. Shanalabels herself as an "eat anything" dietitian. Shana believes since life is already complicated, why restrict yourself? She created a wonderful platform on Instagram to allow for an open discussion on all things health and nutrition, and also provides virtual counseling worldwide. 



In this episode we discuss: 

  • Shana’s journey going back to school to become a dietitian and how she became an anti-diet dietitian

  • What does an eat everything and all foods fit mentality mean

  • How allowing all foods into your eating world (sans medical or ethical needs) allows for foods to become emotionally equivalent

  • Shana’s tips to removing the internal dialogue that tells you that you are “good” or “bad” for how you eat

  • How to deal with negative feedback on Instagram and how to build a community on Instagram

  • How Shana practices wellness without obsession


Learn more about Shana on her website and Instagram.


Are you ready to move on from food and wellness obsession and instead towards food flexibility, food freedom and intuitive eating? Then my free workshop, the Food Obsession to Food Flexibility Workshop, was created just for you!



The purpose of this workshop is to help you:

  • Understand signs and symptoms you may be too obsessed with clean eating and having the perfect healthy lifestyle

  • Walk you through how this impacts your life and how you’re showing up in the world

  • Help you move from food obsession to food flexibility (so you can have freedom in food and in all areas of life!)

  • Receive clarity of what a healthy relationship with food, exercise, health and wellness looks like

  • How to move towards this less extreme version of health, where health enhances your quality of life, not IS your life

  • Learn why intuitive eating is the foundation of our wellness without obsession philosophy

  • Remove all the confusion and overwhelm about intuitive eating, that way you can confidently become an intuitive eater



The Food Obsession to Food Flexibility Workshop will be held NEXT week with three dates available to sign up: Thursday, October 15th at 12:30pm and 6:30pm and Saturday, October 17th at 10am EST.


Use the code NOURISH for 10% off your first  Primally Pure order, get your dry skin products ready for the winter! I’m personally obsessed right now with the body brushbody butter and beauty cream.


My online course on intuitive eating, Permission Stage Playbook, is currently closed for enrollment but you can join the waitlist by clicking here. Enrollment re-opens later in fall!


Resources for you:


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

NWP Episode 211: Perfectionism and Healthy Eating

NWP Episode 211: Perfectionism and Healthy Eating

NWP Episode 209: The Food Obsession to Food Flexibility Workshop is Here!

NWP Episode 209: The Food Obsession to Food Flexibility Workshop is Here!