

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

What is Candida?

Hello and happy Friday! Today on the podcast we are discussing quite a controversial topic, Candida! Meg and I share our opinions on the subject in detail in the episode :)

Nourishing Women Podcast

Today's podcast episode details:

  • What is "Candida" and what do people mean by it?

  • Why is "Candida syndrome" so controversial?

  • The two extremist views on Candida

  • What can potentially cause Candida?

  • What is seen in the literature about Candida

  • How to test for Candida

  • The Candida diet and disordered eating

  • Other treatment options for Candida

Have a great weekend!



How to Protect Your Recovery When Using Social Media

How to Protect Your Recovery When Using Social Media

Lex Daddio on Nourishing Women Podcast

Lex Daddio on Nourishing Women Podcast