

Welcome to Victoria Myers blog! VM is your women’s wellness blog, free of diet culture and body shaming. Think of this as your safe space to pursue period recovery, intuitive eating and wellness without obsession.

NWP Episode 183: What is Seed Cycling and How to Do It

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Today’s podcast I am going to share my thoughts on a common hormonal trend called seed cycling.


While food (meaning eating ENOUGH), reducing exercise, managing stress and sleeping enough are the primary factors  we look for to help our clients get their periods back, and get them consistent, there can be a time and place for gentle nutrition approaches.  This includes supplementation, acupuncture and other additions such as seed cycling!


Seed cycling works by helping support women with the nutrients their bodies need at specific phases of their cycle.


Seed cycling can be used to help with conditions such as amenorrhea, when getting off the birth control pill and even to manage PMS and period pain symptoms.


How to do it? Well it’s really simple and  you’ll learn all about it in this episode! You’ll also learn:

  • Nutrients that seeds contain to support your menstrual cycle

  • What lignans are and how they support the cycle

  • Why its recommended the seeds are freshly ground

  • Pro’s and con’s to seed cycling including how gentle and safe it is and also how it lacks true scientific evidence to support it

  • How seed cycling can help you connect to your cyclical nature

  • Fun ways to include the seeds in your diet

  • How to do seed cycling if you don’t currently have a cycle or if it’s not exactly 28 days

Resources to learn more:

Nutrition Stripped Article on Seed Cycling

Jolene Brighton Article on Seed Cycling

Article here and here

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Episodes referenced in today’s podcast episode:

Intuitive Eating Principles Part 1 and Part 2

How to Track Your Cycle




Resources for you:


Let’s hang out! Connect with Victoria and the staff at NMN:

Click here to get your hands on my new free mini course, the Summer Reset! Today's podcast I am going to share my thoughts on a common hormonal trend called seed cycling.

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